a step by step guide

To Social Media For Even The Hardiest Of Technophobes

For Beginners Wanting To Build A Web Presence For Your Business

My senior capstone project, something that is still evolving. Inspired by having to fix my parents’ phones or computers every time something goes wrong and the absolute embarrassment of having the website for our family business look like it was built in 2001, I decided to write a book about the basics of online marketing, prototype an app for the book, and completely redesign our website.

My father still calls me to update the website for him, but we’ve made significant progress.

You can visit our website here and see the whole book here.


process book

I had a lot of fun with this project and am still very happy with how it turned out. Ironically, while my parents were very excited and proud of my work, they never actually read it.

Oh well.


presentation design

